Monday, February 25, 2008

Part C: Compare & Contrast Against Partner

Finally, got most of part C done.

Part C i) Aaron & Joshua
Research on Festival(CNY)

Chinese New Year starts on the first day of the new year containing a new moon (some sources include New Year's Eve) and ends on the Lantern Festival fourteen days later. This occurs around the time of the full moon as each lunation is about 29.53 days in duration.
According to legend, in ancient China, the Nián was a man-eating beast from the mountains (in other versions from under the sea), which came out every 12 months somewhere close to winter to prey on humans. The people later believed that the Nian was sensitive to loud noises and the colour red, so they scared it away with explosions, fireworks and the liberal use of the colour red. These customs led to the first New Year celebrations. Guò nián , which means to celebrate the new year, literally means the passover of the Nian. Chinese New Year is observed as a public holiday in a number of countries and territories where a sizable Chinese population resides. The Chinese New Year celebrations are marked by visits to kin, relatives and friends, a practice known as "new-year visits". New clothing are usually worn to signify a new year. The colour red is liberally used in all decorations. Red packets are given to juniors and children by the married and elders.

Interesting details/ My opinions (By Aaron on how Joshua celebrated CNY)

Suprisingly, Joshua finds CNY boring. He had time to kill on CNY eve! New Year Eve was pretty hectic for me and I did not have so much time on my hands. How lucky can some people get?! I enjoyed helping my parents with the house keeping, though. The ruenion dinner he had was also quite different than mine. While we went to a restuarant for a sumptous feast, he went to his neighbours for some steam boat. Then again, the price of food doesn't matter, its the quality that counts. Im glad he enjoyed his reunion dinner. Again, visiting his relatives are pretty different, too. Because of the issue his father had with his uncles and aunts, he doesn't get to see his cousins much. I hope he is able to meet up with his cousins once in a while. The next day of chinese new year was more fun for him, because he got to spend time with his friends. It was'nt so fun for me, because not many of my friends came to visit. Im happy that he could bond with his family more during this festival.

Interesting details/ My opinions (By Joshua on how Aaron celebrated CNY)

Looks like Aaron had quite a busy CNY. It sounds like a typical CNY, with all the preparation and housekeeping. His family even painted the door during CNY. I wouldn't paint my door red for CNY, cause I think its just a superstition. He must have enjoyed the ruenion dinner on CNY eve. Unlike him, I don't really enjoy spending the Chinese New Year at my grandparent's house. Its kinda boring there. He must have been really happy getting those red packets from his parents, I recieved only $20...
Same as Aaron, I stayed up late on CNY too, but it was only because my parents allowed me to. Too bad not many of his friends came over the next day. At least he was able to visit Chinatown. He must have enjoyed the holiday alot.

Part C ii) Ming Hui & Akhil
Research on Festival(CNY &DEEPAVALI/DEEPAWALI)

Diwali, or Deepawali, is a major Indian and Nepalese festive holiday, and a significant festival in Hinduism, Sikhism and Jainism. Many legends are associated with Diwali. Today it is celebrated by Hindus, Jains and Sikhs across the globe as the "Festival of Light," where the lights or lamps signify victory of good over the evil within every human being.Many legends are associated with Diwali. Today it is celebrated by Hindus, Jains and Sikhs across the globe as the "Festival of Light," where the lights or lamps signify victory of good over the evil within every human being. The festival is also celebrated by Buddhists of Nepal, particularly the Newar Buddhists. According to another theory it may have originated as a harvest festival, marking the last harvest of the year before winter. In an agrarian society this results in businessmen closing accounts, and beginning a new accounting year. The deity of wealth in Hinduism, Goddess Lakshmi is therefore thanked on this day and everyone prays for a good year ahead. This is the common factor in Diwali celebrations all over the Indian subcontinent.

Chinese New Year or Spring Festival is the most important of the traditional Chinese holidays. It is sometimes called the Lunar New Year, especially by people outside China.

On the day of Diwali, many wear new clothes and share sweets and snacks. Some North Indian business communities start their financial year on Diwali and new account books are opened on this day.

Chinese New Year is observed as a public holiday in Singapore as it is a Multi-racial society. Deepawali is also a public holiday for the same reason.

Ming Hui:
Interesting details/ My opinions (By Ming Hui on how Akhil celebrated Deepavali)

Deepavali is alike to CNY in many ways. For example, during CNY, we believe that the colour red and loud noises chase bad luck away. This is similar to deepavali, where people light lamps to scare away evil spirits. We bond together with our families during these festivals too.

Interesting details/ My opinions (By Ahkil on how Ming Hui celebrated CNY)

Chinese New Year is very much like deepavali. As what Ming Hui said, it is just a different way of celebration. I am surprised Ming Hui wanted to go to school on new years eve! Even if it was a half day, I would grudgingly go to school. I am glad that MH's grandmother is alive and well. I do wish I could recieve red packets on Deepavali too, though.

Part B: Compare & Contrast against Jess

Ming Hui
1. Jess is celebrating Easter

2. Only goes to church

3. Only one day

4. Celebrates with only one friend

5. No gifts

6. No special food

7. No relatives involved

8. Based on how Christ was raised again

9. Celebrated by Christians (religion)


1. Where nice clothes

2. Public holiday in the USA

3. Spent with family

4. Once a year

5. Happy day


1) Jess and I both spent the festival with our family.
2) Jess’s family and my family both bought new items… well, maybe not Jess

How did I spend my Festival? How did Jess spent his festival?
1) I spent my new year at my friends house. Jess spent his Easter at church.
2) I spent the new year by visiting relatives and friends. Jess spent Easter in church. With the church-goers, of course.
3) My family had a reunion dinner. Jess’s family did not have a dinner.
4) I received some money in the form of red packets. Jess did not get any money.
5) I had many friends to celebrate CNY with. Jess only invited one person-Leslie

6) I was glad to celebrate CNY Jess did not like going to church.
7) There was two days for the new year celebration. There was only one day for Easter
8)We had steamboat for dinner. There was no festival foods at the Easter.


1) Jess and I both spend the festival with our family.
2) Jess’s family and my family both brought new things for the festival.
3) Jess’s family and my family both were busy preparing for the festival.
4) Jess’s family and my family both spent something memorable for the festivals.

How did I spend my Festival? How did Jess spent his festival?
1) I spent Chinese new year with my family. Jess spent Easter with his family.

2) I spent my new year at Chinatown. Jess spent his Easter at church.
3) I spent the new year by visiting relatives. Jess stayed at church.
4) My family had a reunion dinner. Jess’s family did not have a dinner.
5) I received money for new year. Jess did not receive any money.
6) I did not invite any friends to celebrate new year together. Jess invited Leslie to tag along with him.

7) My family went to Chinatown by bus. Jess’s family went to church by his father’s truck.
8) I was glad about the new year celebrations. Jess was not happy about Easter, in fact, he hated it.
9) There was two days for the new year celebration. There was only one day for Easter
10) That was festival foods at the celebration. There was no festival foods at the Easter.


1. Deepavali, as with Easter, consists of one day.
2. Both festivals consist of religious activities.
3. We buy new clothes before the festival.

1. I enjoyed celebrating Deepavali, unlike Jess who did not like celebrating Easter.
2. I invite friends over to my place. Jess spends Easter in church.
3. We have customs to follow in our house, for Jess all he has to do is attend church.

Part A: Blog Entries

This Chinese New Year was a time of joy and happiness for me. I spent this festival with my family. A few days before the New Year, my family and I did the house cleaning together. I wiped the widows while my sister swept the floor. We also painted our door red in colour. Then, we made a trip to the mall for last-minute shopping. We brought back many decoration such as lanterns, Chinese calligraphy posters and red packets. We put them up on the walls and hang some papercuts on the doors in preparation of the new year.
The day before Chinese New Year, we had a tradition. The tradition was to gather the family to have a meal together. It was called the reunion dinner. We agreed to book a table at a restaurant. We had many traditional food such as nian gao and jiaozi dumplings. Then, my sister and I received red packets from my parents. I was glad that we had a wonderful time at the restaurant.
Finally, the New Year came. On the first day, my family went to visit our relatives. We exchanged mandarin oranges and red packets there. My sister and I spent great amount of time enjoying the New Year goodies at my relatives’ house. When evening came, my family returned home and we had the dinner at home. I was trilled when my mother served many festival food such bakkwa and turnip cakes. After that, my sister and I received red packets containing $100 from my parents. My sister was so happy that she started to tell me about what she could spent the money. Then, my sister and I stayed up late as we wanted to ensure longevity for our parents.
The following day of the New Year, we decided to stay at home for our friends or relatives to visit. Sadly, there was not much people who came to visit us. My father suggested to spend the day at Chinatown. We answered in the affirmative and we took a bus to Chinatown. Chinatown was packed with people but we managed to walk around to see the New Year goods. Then at night, there was both the dragon and lion dance performances. It was a fabulous night with my family.
When we returned home, I felt that I was very fortunate to spend the New Year with my family. I am glad that after this occasion, I am have more closer bonding and understanding with each of my family members.

Chinese new year was pretty boring for me, I guess. The festival was spent with my family and friends, and it was pretty much like a normal weekend. A few days before CNY, my parents snuck off to buy CNY goodies and decorations. Then they hid the goodies, because if it was discovered me and my brothers we would snack on it, finishing everything. The reason I know this is because I found it anyway, and finished it heh heh. They had to buy more goodies after that.
On CNY eve, my family slacked the whole day. I was planning to head to Tampines Mall to kill time but everything there was closed haha. At night we had a "ruenion dinner". We had it with some of my mother's friends, who stayed a few stories above us. It was a pretty small gathering (non of my relatives were invited), but there was quite alot of food there. I don't really enjoy steamboat, but that day was an exception.
Finally, went the new year came, we went out visiting. First, we headed to my father's side of the family. My grandad passed away a few years ago, and my father and his brothers had a tussle over what each of them would inherit, so I don't get to see my cousins so often now. After exchanging mandarin oranges and red packets there,we had a simple meal with her and bid her goodbye. Around the evening, my other relatives came over (mothers side). We had bee hoon and I brought the younger kids to the nearby playground. At night, me and my brothers stood up as late as we could, killing time by watching some vcds. We finally gave up at around 4 am.
The next day, we went to a friends house. Most of my friends were there, so I generally had a good time. We could not leave the house to play some soccer, though, but time was well spent there. In front of the xbox.
After that, we headed home. I like spending chinese new year with my family, as it bonds us closer together and we understand each other more. But the main reason I like CNY is 'cause school is out for the holiday haha.

I celebrate Deepavali every year with my family without fail in the end week or the second week of November. Last year’s celebration was inexplicably different and interesting as we did not invite anyone over to our house as we usually did. Instead, we celebrated it with a few fire crackers and my mother prepared a few sweets as it was a auspicious start for us.

Some of us may regard this festival as the ‘Festival of Lights’. It is probably because we put lamps of lights near and in our house. This is said to chase the evil spirits away. My mother also uses some holy powder to draw some patterns at the footsteps of our house to bring the god into our house and give us good luck.

We also buy new clothes before Deepavali and not during Deepavali. This has the same justification as the Chinese New Year when people sweep their house before the day and not on the day itself.

I feel that by bonding with my family like this we can be able to extend our family relationships so that any obstacle in life can be overcome with ease, comfort and trust.

That is how I celebrate Deepavali with my family.

Ming Hui:
Chinese New Year Eve
On Chinese New Year Eve I woke up early in the morning to go to my school for the Chinese New Year celebrations. Usually waking up so early in the day would be somewhat of a chore but that day it was Chinese New Year eve. I was more than eager to start the day! The school celebrations were not as boring as I thought it would be with the various different CCA groups performing for the school. After school, I immediately took a bus to my old school, Temasek Primary, as I have arranged to meet my old classmates to go to my friend’s house. We had a great time playing computer games as well as X Box. Then finally at night I went to my relative’s house to have the Chinese New Year reunion diner. I had a great time at my relatives’ place playing with my cousins and collecting red packets. We stayed up till past midnight then I went home finally to sleep.

The first day of Chinese New Year
The next day, I woke up and went to my grandparent’s house so to pick them up to go to my great grandmothers’ house. I am very fortunate to have my great grandmother still alive and well at 98 years old. I had a great time there spending time with my elders and collecting more red packets. Then at night I visited my aunt’s house to play with my cousins and collect more red packets again.

The Second Day of Chinese New Year
I visited my other uncles’ and aunts’ houses. We ate steamboat and caught with each others. There was a very festive mood there and everyone was happy and laughing.

The Third Day of Chinese New Year
On the third day, my mother has a special invitation from an primary school friend and we went to her house for lunch. The food was delicious with many different spreads of dishes. We then went to our elder uncle’s house and had a wonderful time. He has a big terrace house. I played with my cousins and their cute dog Fido. I think dogs are really fun animals to have.

The Forth Day of Chinese New Year
On the forth day, the mood was quieter as we have to prepare for school the next day
As it was a Sunday, we went to church where the Chinese pastors preached in Mandarin while a interpreter translated it into English. . I enjoyed my time there and was sad that the CNY holidays would be over soon.