Monday, February 25, 2008

Part B: Compare & Contrast against Jess

Ming Hui
1. Jess is celebrating Easter

2. Only goes to church

3. Only one day

4. Celebrates with only one friend

5. No gifts

6. No special food

7. No relatives involved

8. Based on how Christ was raised again

9. Celebrated by Christians (religion)


1. Where nice clothes

2. Public holiday in the USA

3. Spent with family

4. Once a year

5. Happy day


1) Jess and I both spent the festival with our family.
2) Jess’s family and my family both bought new items… well, maybe not Jess

How did I spend my Festival? How did Jess spent his festival?
1) I spent my new year at my friends house. Jess spent his Easter at church.
2) I spent the new year by visiting relatives and friends. Jess spent Easter in church. With the church-goers, of course.
3) My family had a reunion dinner. Jess’s family did not have a dinner.
4) I received some money in the form of red packets. Jess did not get any money.
5) I had many friends to celebrate CNY with. Jess only invited one person-Leslie

6) I was glad to celebrate CNY Jess did not like going to church.
7) There was two days for the new year celebration. There was only one day for Easter
8)We had steamboat for dinner. There was no festival foods at the Easter.


1) Jess and I both spend the festival with our family.
2) Jess’s family and my family both brought new things for the festival.
3) Jess’s family and my family both were busy preparing for the festival.
4) Jess’s family and my family both spent something memorable for the festivals.

How did I spend my Festival? How did Jess spent his festival?
1) I spent Chinese new year with my family. Jess spent Easter with his family.

2) I spent my new year at Chinatown. Jess spent his Easter at church.
3) I spent the new year by visiting relatives. Jess stayed at church.
4) My family had a reunion dinner. Jess’s family did not have a dinner.
5) I received money for new year. Jess did not receive any money.
6) I did not invite any friends to celebrate new year together. Jess invited Leslie to tag along with him.

7) My family went to Chinatown by bus. Jess’s family went to church by his father’s truck.
8) I was glad about the new year celebrations. Jess was not happy about Easter, in fact, he hated it.
9) There was two days for the new year celebration. There was only one day for Easter
10) That was festival foods at the celebration. There was no festival foods at the Easter.


1. Deepavali, as with Easter, consists of one day.
2. Both festivals consist of religious activities.
3. We buy new clothes before the festival.

1. I enjoyed celebrating Deepavali, unlike Jess who did not like celebrating Easter.
2. I invite friends over to my place. Jess spends Easter in church.
3. We have customs to follow in our house, for Jess all he has to do is attend church.

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